The Impact of Social Media on Plagiarism May 8, 2019

The Impact of Social Media on Plagiarism

How readymade information is causing pessimistic effect
Having access to the internet and social media is the simplest thing these days. Detail regarding anything of the whole world whether it’s about an animal or it is related to politics is available from the social media or the internet.

The significant effect of social media is that it has increased the plagiarism rate in this globalized world. It has made it easier to duplicate the same information that is received by the person, and this is what actually plagiarism means. Most of the people who copy the material have no idea while copying that they are committing a crime and they can get punished for what they are doing. The students especially search for the already available assignments and copy paste them as it is. Social media is most famous among the youth. There are some content writers that copy whatever they see without thinking if they are doing right or wrong, these actions of people are increasing the plagiarism which is reducing the creative or unique content.

Situations that can be faced by having plagiarism in the material

Some strict measures are taken if the plagiarized material is found out in particular content. The students who copy the assignments have to pay some fines and can get a suspension from the school. The institute can even take the student to court, and this might ruin the whole future career of that specific child. Moreover, the content writers who have plagiarism in their articles are bound to rewrite, and their work can get rejected. They can also be dismissed from their jobs which again will not only affect the source of their income, but the career of these people related to writing will be destroyed as well. So to stay away from these situations and send a 100% unique article, tools like plagiarism checker are introduced which does not let social media have a negative impact.

Use of Plagiarism Checker to overcome copyright content

A plagiarism detector is a tool designed to figure out which part of the inserted content is plagiarised and which is unique. The application allows users to see the percentage of both of these parts and highlights the areas of copied elements with different colors. You can change the wordings of those parts and can end up with a unique content which you can own proudly. More than 10 billion contents are inserted in the tool which tells that the results provided by the application are accurate and authentic. With just by one single click, the results are shown to the users.

Despite the fact that social media

is negatively impacting our lives when it comes to plagiarism. We are fortunate enough to have means that enable us to identify the plagiarized content and take mandatory actions against it. Plagiarism detector can be used to spread awareness regarding plagiarism and overcome this serious social problem faced by all societies today.

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